The prettiest sights and getting high!
Heard of Malana, the Greece like beautiful village in India before? Malana is a small rural area set between lush greenery and beautiful snowy mountains of the Parvati valley in Himachal. Known for giving the best Hashish to the world, there are many things you might not be aware of about the place.
The village has remained secluded from the rest of the world for long but is a beautiful location that is a must to go over a trip to. Here are the things you need to know about this alluring site in Himachal.
Little Greece

The beautiful spot is also stated as the Greece of India in Himalayas. The place situated in the interior summits of Kullu valley, lies just below the Chandrakhani pass. The aerial views of the village are breathtaking and look identical to ancient Greece making it a paradise for India.
Oldest democracy in the world

It might sound weird but Malana village claims it to be the oldest democracy with a well organized parliamentary system, guided by their Devta Jamlu Rishi. It is said that the village got independence during the reign of Mughal Emperor Akbar who said all the inhabitants of the valley would never pay tax. It is also believed that Malana still follows the Greek parliamentary system and hence is the World’s oldest democracy.
Grows the best Hashish

Malana is famous for ‘Malana cream’, a strain of Cannabis hashish that is high in oil content and its aroma. It is even more expensive than many of the coffee house’s menu round the world. This special cream is made of heirloom cannabis grown in remote areas of the Parvati Valley. It is said that Malana plant contains 30 to 40% THC that is comparably very high as common Indian plants produce only 5 to 8% of it.
The Descendants of Alexander the Great

They call themselves to be descendants of Alexander and even their language that is Kanashi is only understood by them. The resident’s facial features also resemble Romans. It is said that Alexander defeated Indian king Porus and after a series of campaigns in India decided to return back home while some soldiers preferred to settle down along the banks of the river Beas. Their local court reflects ancient Greek system even today.
The architecture of houses

In Malana the houses are two or three storied with specific names and purpose. The ground floor is called Khudang which is for the cattle, firewood and fodder. The first floor is Gaying is used to store eatables etc. The top floor is called Pati that is the living place.
The place of taboos

You need to know many thing prior visiting to Malana village. You are not allowed to cut down trees or fix nails as it is completely prohibited. Moreover you are not allowed to burn the wood in the forests of the village. Even hunting of animals is allowed for a defined period of time.
Planning your next trip to the picturesque Malana?