Tips for pregnant travellers

Stretch a little

I love travelling and fortunately, I had a smooth pregnancy so I decided to go on a babymoon in the second trimester. After consulting with the doctor we planned our trip keeping in mind all the dos and don’t. You have to be little cautious while travelling as it’s not just about you but the little one too. We had a great time and bonded really well as a couple. So if you are also planning on it, here are few tips for you

Pack sensibly

Pack sensibly

Staying comfortable is even more important when you’re pregnant. The right clothes, shoes and accessories can make a real difference. Pack a range of clothes to help you stay cool on hot days and use light layers to stay comfortable when the temperature dips.  Also, pack all the medicines and even extra ones.

Carefully choose the destination

Pick up the destination carefully keeping your comfort and travel time in mind. We chose a domestic location because economy flights seating is not very comfortable and to be honest I was in no mood to spend a hefty amount on business or first class ticket.  But if you can then you can even go for a long duration one.

Take a copy of your Prenatal Records

Take a copy of your Prenatal Records

Try to take a copy of your medical notes as it determines how you will be helped at the nearest hospitals. Your records provide the doctor with details about your pregnancy. For expecting mothers some travel insurance policies can also be purchased to cover the expenses.

Eat healthily and stay hydrated

Eat healthy and stay hydrated

Don’t starve and drink water to keep yourself hydrated. Carry some healthy snacking options like dried fruit, cereal bars and wholemeal biscuits etc. That way you’ll always have something tasty on hand, regardless of delays. Also don’t experiment too much with the food.  If you’re not sure about the safety of the water where you’re staying, avoid raw vegetables and fruit that you can’t peel yourself.

Use your common sense

Of course, there are some activities you’ll need to avoid during pregnancy so avoid doing anything that is dangerous for you and the fetus.

Consider the timing

We travelled during the second trimester since its the safest as during third-trimester medical emergencies can occur anytime.

Stretch a little

Stretch a little

Expecting mothers have higher chances of developing blood clots so it is said that it’s quite important to not sit still for longer periods. When you are flying or driving, take short breaks to get up so that the blood keeps flowing in your legs.

Choose the seat strategically

If travelling by plane make sure to take the middle seat and one that is closer to the washroom as it is safer and easier for you to go.