Navratri is one of the most auspicious Hindu festivals which is celebrated for 9 days to worship Goddess Durga. Each day people pray to the 9 forms of Durga Maa and as we have already told you about the first and second day now, it’s time to know about the goddess which is worshipped on the 3rd day and where it is located.
Importance of Chandraghanta Temple:
Chandra means moon and ghanta means bell. Chandraghanta temple in Varanasi is where the third form of the goddess Durga is worshipped. It is believed that in this form goddess Chandraghanta opens her third eye which detonates anger.
She is also considered as the idol of war as she fights against all the demons without fear. The body of this goddess in the temple has 10 hands in which she is holding weapons and a bell-shaped moon can also be seen on her forehead. The Chandraghanta goddess holds a Trishul, Sword, Gada, and Kamandal on the right side and Lotus flower, Arrow, Dhanush, Japa mala on the left.

Thousands of devotees gather to pray for bravery and strength from this goddess. It is also alleged that people who visit this temple cope up easily from their physical and emotional problems and all the negative entities go away from them.

It is located at Jaitpuri, Digiya Rd, in Varanasi. People pay their respect to the goddess in form of flowers, coconuts and laal chunari. The temple is placed on a very narrow road so it is better to go by rickshaw till the chowk and then by foot. The best time to reach is in the morning so that you get the place of your choice because by evening it is too crowded.