It’s been more than two months that we are indoors, and most of us are wondering where we will head to once all this is over. We all are remembering, the ambiance at our favorite restaurant, thinking about our next order, and waiting to have a delicious meal in our favorite restaurant. But the hard reality is that as Unlock 1.0 began, dining out is not the same even after lockdown is lifted. It will never be the same, even when we are allowed to eat out again without Covid-19 on our heads!

By now few countries have opened up their restaurants while taking extreme precautions to make sure the safety of their customers. And the same will go for those who choose to open after a lockdown in India. The unlock phase 1 began from 8th June 2020 in India.
• Instead of flower pots there will be sanitizer bottles on every table
• Social distancing in restaurants won’t be easy in India with so much crowd

• You will be greeted with thermal temperature checker
• You can’t enter a restaurant without a mask
• Night outings seem impossible because can you imagine going to a night club right now?

• The servers will wear mask and face shield all-day
• We can’t have panni puri from the stalls, only take away will be allowed
• Due to Indian’s current weather outdoor seating is not possible
• Everyone will think twice before going out for a coffee now
• Restaurants will enforce strict social distancing measure, some will use glass dividers, some will put something on chairs that should not be used.
• We will only go to places that we know are following all the hygiene measures.

• Seating capacity at a restaurant will reduce
• Small restaurants where people used to stand and eat will rely on delivery and take away now
• We have to make reservations beforehand

• There will be a lot of space between customers
• Everyone will be wearing masks
• Restaurants have to follow proper hygiene
As excited we are to step out, we all must keep in mind that the vaccine is still not there so, all of us have to be careful.