No Lockdown Restrictions in Austria for Fully Vaccinated People


Austria government has removed lockdown restrictions for fully vaccinated travellers but it had imposed some restrictions and norms to limit the rising number of COVID-19 positive cases in the country. So far, the government of Austria has been allowed to reopen the theatres, museums, cultural and entertainment venues. However, in some regions, it has also allowed hotels and restaurants to reopen with the same business operational norms as before but there will be an 11 PM curfew for restaurants. 

Chancellor Karl Nehammer also said that permission has been given to Austria’s nine regions to manage the situation i.e., either loosen or tighten the restrictions based on the situation wherein, unvaccinated people have to face the lockdown restrictions and have also been asked for home-stay. 

The lockdown has proven to be much effective in Austria since their number of cases has decreased and on Friday, the Alpine nation has recorded 367.5 new infections per 100,000 residents. The government officials have also said that vaccination is essential to control the virus’s risk since, as of now 67% of the Austrian population is fully vaccinated which is quite a low rate for Western Europe.